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Associazione Culturale Musicale Nardini

- L'Arte in Musica -

Eventi in Bacheca 

"La bacheca di eventi fatta a posta per te" 


Locandina Concerto Jessica Comeau.png

Eventi in Bacheca 

"La bacheca di eventi fatta a posta per te" 


Stefano Pellini


Jessica Comeau, nativa della Pensacola, Florida, suona il mountain dulcimer dal 2003. Amante da sempre della letteratura, la musica e la cultura, queste passioni hanno ispirato la Comeau a sviluppare uno stile romantico che attinge dalla storia medievale, la cultura celtica, la musica folk e la world music, insieme a correnti piu’ recenti. Cantautrice quanto interprete di canzoni, la voce e lo strumento di Jessica guidano l’ascoltatore lungo un viaggio musicale che emoziona l’anima e innalza lo spirito.
La musica ha sempre fatto parte della vita di Jessica, specialmente tramite il suo coinvolgimento con la musica e il canto religioso. Entrando in un club di dulcimer da ragazza, vinse una borsa di studio per poter partecipare al Western Carolina University Mountain Dulcimer Week, premio che vinse anche l’anno seguente (Cullowhee, North Carolina) (2005, 2006). Queste furono opportunita’ per ricevere istruzione in tecnica musicale e osservare le varie possibilita’ dello strumento, dimostrate dai massimi suonatori del mountain dulcimer attivi negli Stati Uniti e all’estero.
Oggi partecipa regolarmente come insegnante e concertista ai festival del mountain dulcimer, incluso il festival online internazionale QuaranTune Virtual Dulcimer Fest e la North Georgia Foothills Dulcimer Association Online Festival. Si e’ anche esibita a festival dal vivo: Dulcimerville (Black Mountain, North Carolina, 2013) e Kentucky Music Week (Louisville, Kentucky, 2019) e altri festival nazionali e regionali negli Stati Uniti, anche insegnando stage. Inoltre, la Jessica offre lezioni private di mountain dulcimer e spesso organizza stage online che si ispirano a temi e generi musicali diverse.
Durante la sua carriera musicale, la Comeau ha partecipato a numerosi concorsi statali e nazionali, vincendo la Louisiana State Dulcimer Championship (Port Allen, Louisiana) (2006) e la Deep South Dulcimer Championship (Hattiesburg, MS) (2014), piazzandosi come finalista al National Mountain Dulcimer Championship del Walnut Valley Festival (Winfield, Kansas) in 2006. Per cinque anni (2012-2017) si e’ esibita al Saint Paul Catholic Church (Pensacola, Florida) come cantore e strumentalista.
A parte la sua esperienza come insegnante di dulcimer, Jessica ha conseguito la laurea in letteratura inglese e un Masters in Curriculum ed Istruzione. Ha pubblicato vari libri di arrangiamenti per dulcimer di musica folk tradizionale e musica antica, canti natalizi e le Cantigas de Santa Maria, con una collezione di musica irlandese in stampa a breve. Le sue registrazioni includono Songs of the Earthly Pilgrimage: Medieval and World Folk Music on the Appalachian Mountain Dulcimer e il progetto piu’ recente: un album ispirato al mondo fantasy intitolato Faerie Memories: Fantasy Music with an Acoustic Heart.






Jessica Comeau is a native of Pensacola, Florida, and has been playing the mountain dulcimer since 2003. Her lifelong love of literature, music, and culture has led her to develop a style that incorporates a Romantic blend of medieval, Celtic, folk, and world music along with newer influences. She is a singer-songwriter as well as an “interpreter of songs,” and in concert, Jessica’s singing and mountain dulcimer playing guides the listener along a moving musical journey that stirs the soul and elevates the spirit.
Music has been an integral part of Jessica’s life, especially through involvement with music ministry and cantoring from an early age. Her dulcimer journey began at a local dulcimer club. A few years later, she received a Youth Scholarship for Western Carolina University Mountain Dulcimer Week and again the following year (Cullowhee, North Carolina) (2005, 2006); at these events, she received instruction in musical technique and witnessed the diverse potential of the mountain dulcimer from some of the most renowned mountain dulcimer players in the United States and the world.
She now regularly participates as a mountain dulcimer instructor and performer at mountain dulcimer festivals, including the internationally known QuaranTune Virtual Dulcimer Fest and North Georgia Foothills Dulcimer Association Online Festival. She has also taught and performed at the weeklong events Dulcimerville (Black Mountain, North Carolina, 2013) and Kentucky Music Week (Louisville, Kentucky, 2019) and other national and regional festivals in the United States. Besides this, she is a self-employed mountain dulcimer instructor, offering private lessons and independently hosting online workshops featuring a variety of musical themes and genres.
Among her other distinctions, she has competed in multiple state and national competitions, winning 1st place in the Louisiana State Dulcimer Championship (Port Allen, Louisiana) (2006) and the Deep South Dulcimer Championship (Hattiesburg, MS) (2014) and placing as a finalist at the National Mountain Dulcimer Championship at the Walnut Valley Festival (Winfield, Kansas) in 2006. She also spent several years (2012-2017) performing and ministering with the Saint Paul Catholic Church music ministry (Pensacola, Florida) as a cantor, choir member, ensemble vocalist, and mountain dulcimer instrumentalist.
In addition to her dulcimer teaching and performing experience, Jessica holds a B.A. degree in English and an M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction. She has produced several books of mountain dulcimer arrangements featuring traditional folk and early music, Christmas music, and the Cantigas de Santa Maria, with an Irish collection on the way. Her recordings include Songs of the Earthly Pilgrimage: Medieval and World Folk Music on the Appalachian Mountain Dulcimer and her most recent musical release, a multi-instrumental, fantasy-themed album called Faerie Memories: Fantasy Music with an Acoustic Heart.




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Titolare del trattamento è Associazione Culturale Musicale Nardini, Sanremo (Imperia).


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Associazione Culturale

Musicale Nardini

Str. Carrozzabile Verezzo 49  - 18038 Sanremo (IM)

Tel. +39 347 5337157

Cod. Fisc.: 90085040088




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